Our values

Our Values

Our Values guide us in how we do business, how we serve our customers, and how we work together - it's who we are and a principle of every action we take.

An optimistic mindset is a driver of positive change

Without optimism, people worry about life, businesses  don’t get created, investments and loans are withheld, talented people don’t get hired and good  ideas wither on the vine. In our view, optimism is about focusing on opportunities, not  problems. In our pursuit of  creating a brighter future, an optimistic mindset that inspires confidence and  progressive behavior is essential.

Caring is about doing good

Caring is about the desire to make a positive difference in the lives of our customers,  partners, colleagues and the world we live in – and considering their perspectives in everything we do.

Going the extra mile, not because we have to – but because it feels right and because we care.

Trust can‘t be bought, only earned

Reliability means being honest and transparent. For us, reliability is about  delivering on the promises we have made.

We have been a reliable company to our  customers, employees, business partners,  shareholders and society, even during turbulent times, like wars or financial crisis. And our intent

The difference between the impossible and the possible is our determination

For us determination is about never giving up on our quest towards a brighter future. Even if it gets tough.

Determination is about long- term success over short term  gains and a commitment  towards doing the right thing – even if it comes with a cost.

As part of our determination, we choose action over words  any time, because only actions  make a real difference.


We can only create a brighter future by working together

Togetherness is about acknowledging that none of us can have a bigger impact than all of us together.

For us, togetherness is not thinking less of ourselves, but about thinking of ourselves  less.*

This means growing a wider, more diverse community where we all feel we belong. This goes for our community of colleagues, partners, customers and the world.

*based on“ Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.”

by Rick Warren

The only constant is change

Today’s world is characterized by constant change at an  immense speed. In this context,  forward-thinking is about embracing the future and any changes we encounter.

Being forward-thinking is about investing in understanding and anticipating future risks and the  future needs of our customers,  partners, colleagues and  society.

For us, forward-thinking is about  continuously looking for  opportunities and ideas to  innovate and transform. After all, we want to be the disruptor in the industry, not the disrupted.